Maybe this is it. Frankly my augmentations have never been installed to increase my ability to tolerate international degeneracy on a global scale, reading all of these messages and images on the website known as is especially damming enough. A punishment for no human being to tolerate.
You fucking idiots can't seem have the urge and resistance to keep your greasy wilted hands of off your mouse and keyboard. I'm tired of seeing the same flags, the same names, the same replies, the same images, the same threads, the same pages, the same board, day in and day out. /trash/ is a far better board, i don't even browse it regularly, it just goes to
show that junk and pure filth is more versatile, abundant, and more varied thus more interesting than this perplexing shitstain.
Should there be a reason why it's still listed as trial board? Because it has been long overdue to end, the soon it ends the better.
>05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random Try all you want, try and convince me that my opinion isn't valid,
"cringe bro, hnnnng cringe stop complaining /bant/ was always shit" I'm so fucking done with all of this retarded shit.
Getting tired this pile of shit board of off my beloved site and let it go, it's far past it's expiry like spoiled sour cream in Akari lover's cracks it's vomit inducing.
A single click onto this board always ruins my posting experience, no original content, nothing, it's fucking just abhorrent and vile.
Seriously, don't make it your absolute sole and only
Job to be so incredibly dumb and repetitive stop doing this, you're no fun at all and no one likes you.
Stop posting the same shit, maybe you should get off of this board if you know I'm addressing you, maybe you should do something better with your own time, maybe you should go outside and meet people, maybe you should stop jerking off to anime and traps, maybe you should get of your mums basement, maybe you should try getting a job.