>>7830942>>7830958>>7830971>>7830978>Groups believe not having children is a way to cut a person's carbon footprint>When Roy Sasano told his parents he was getting sterilized a few years ago to reduce his carbon footprint, he remembers they weren't surprised.>After all, he had already taken other steps to fight climate change by becoming a vegan, "virtually" eliminating single-use plastic and reducing his consumption as much as is practicable.>Sasano is part of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movementhttps://web.archive.org/web/20190409132020/https://www.cp24.com/news/groups-believe-not-having-children-is-a-way-to-cut-a-person-s-carbon-footprint-1.4371787To die without leaving any offsprings behind; that's literally the only criteria to be eligible for a Darwin Award. Personally, I'm all for it if it means not having to deal with those dimwits and their kids. Plus, we all know that isolation in old age leads to depression and suicidal tendencies, so not having a family in their 60-70's might help the problem take care of itself.
So what do you think? There is already a legitimate Voluntary Human Extinction Movement as a way of reducing your carbon foot print. Can we make a Voluntary Euthanasia happen?
Do we even need to? would it be a good use of meme magic ?