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Black "men" are overwhelmingly gay, to the point I would wager there are more gayniggers Americans than there are LGBT people on the entire planet. This is not just due to dey culcha, they are genetically predisposed to have big ol' butts, womanly figures and feminine physiques. A lot of the fake machismo you see in rap videos is a coping mechanism young Black "men" use to hide their obvious bisexuality. The reason Black women are so critical of their "men" isn't because of abuse or gang violence or anything of that sort, it's because there's about an 80% chance that the average Black dude is a closet faggot. That's why they leave their baby mommas, because commitment to the relationship means they can't be a homosexual anymore. Even the straightest Black guy is a larger fairy than the most flamboyant Broadway star, he just has different ways of hiding it even if it's obvious to anyone who looks at his hips for more than five seconds.
Why do you think there are so few female rappers out there? It's because misogyny is endemic to hip-hop, and hating women is an inherently gay thing to do in any situation. Calling them "sheboons" or "negresses" really doesn't address the issue, which is that Black women have to act and present as more masculine than Black "men" simply due to the abundance of faggots among the entire race. It may make them more attractive in some scenarios, but none of them want to be in that position, and I think it fucking sucks. "Black love" is such a corrupted term now, because a lot of these gayniggers have been so mindfucked by sagging their jeans and showing their orangutan asses to other gayniggers, that they forgot how to enjoy the company of their own women.
One time in high school a stinky Black girl pushed me on the floor during gym class and I got an erection from it.