>>21876917The Hebrew words El and Eyal mean "God/powerful/oak tree" and the related word Ayil that means "ram". This is why Baal-Hammom has ram's horns, Baby Zeus/Zagreus (Dionysus) in Greek myth is suckled by the goat Amalthea and has ram/goat horns like Hammon. Goat in Hebrew is Se'ir, which is the name of the mountain of Edom from which Yahweh came from. The goat is the only animal with hooves capable of climbing mountains to be closer to it. The name Azazel, which was admittedly offered sacrifices (i.e. worshiped) by the Hebrews WITH YAHWEH'S OWN PERMISSION, is derived from aziz, which means strength, and El. Azazel, accordingly, means the Strength of El.
>Dionysus’ Canaanite origin is reinforced by the Dionysian cortege or retinue, constituted of couretes, corybantes, cyclopes, telchines, and dactyls, all of whom are daimones frequently considered in Greece as originating in the eastern Mediterranean>The first Homeric hymn traces Dionysus’ origin to “Nysa, a mountain most high and richly grown with woods, far off in Phoenicia, near the streams of Aegyptus…” In the seventh hymn, he first appears “on a jutting headland by the shore of the fruitless sea.” The only “fruitless” that is to say, fishless, sea between Phoenicia and the Nile is the Dead Sea, and the tall forested mountain to its south is Mount Seir of Edom, the mountain of origin of YHWH. This transforms Dionysus into an Aegean version of YHWH, whose cult was probably propagated and adapted during the ‘Orientalizing revolution’ that followed the settlement in Greece of a population originating of east Mediterranean during the first half of the first millennium BCE