>>19311774Carmody grins back at Sola. The sun's tangerine glow highlights Sola's halo of blond hair as they walk, and Carmody feels a little swirl in the pit of her chest. She's seeing Sola in lots of different ways lately, and all of them are beautiful. And to hear she's still got that red lingerie.....
>"Oh wow! You kept it!? I wasn't even thinking about keeping mine! Well, damn. Anyway, I'm glad you've got it, heh. I wanna see you in it again."Carmody feels a brief impulse to blush, or avert her eyes, after blurting that out, but actually? No. She meant what she said. In fact.....
>"You looked hot as FUCK. I've gotta admit, I was feeling some kinda way, watching your photo set. That was so much fun! And I'm liking Priscilla more and more. There's a part of me that wants this to work SO BAD. Although it's gonna be tough to work things out with Sapphire. Then there's Nikki Kade too. And you're right about that thing about the dungeon. That doesn't sound right, does it?">"Well, let's talk it over a little bit more later, back home. Right now, I just wanna spend the day with you and enjoy it, and not think about this difficult shit for a while."Carmody looks over at her and sees Sola looking at her with an unusual expression. She turns to her with a smile, not sure what's on her mind, about to ask.