>>21271662A reminder that god murdered and genocided whole nations, commanded to genocide innocent male infants, of the goyim, and authorized rape of goyim children just to protect his moloch-worshipping jews who hound (YOU) today.
Yet Jewsus, who is supposedly the very same god, has not extended the same level of protection for his goyim followers, and in fact he called goyim "dogs" (Matthew 15:26-27).
Jewsus clearly said that he did NOT come to save goyim (Matthew 15:24), only jews.
God has blessed bankers' with hegemony over you:
"You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none." (Deuteronomy 28:12)
"You may charge a foreigner interest, but not an Israelite, so that the Lord your God may bless you" (Deuteronomy 23:19-20).
Rothschilds rule over you by HIS mandate, that is why your resistance is futile.
And if you think you are being backstabed by a certain tribe, that has been blessed by god also since the biblical times - consider this:
Moses was offered shelter by Midianites when he was in exile , and even married a daughter of a Midianite priest Jethro.
Despite that, god commanded him to genocide every Midianite goy, including babies of male sex, and only spare Midianite virgin girls to let his soldiers rape them after having forced them to witness the death of their parents, sisters, and brothers, even infant brothers.
Your god clearly hates you, and the reason why we live in the clown world is because we were programmed to come to terms with this Stockholm Syndrome of a cognitive dissonance by having been conditioned to love our demonic abuser.
You all ketch and share picrel around this board, but you fail to realize that your genocide has been blessed by the so called god.
> but jewsus called jews the synagogue of satanAnd yet not a single hair dropped from their head when they murdered goyim with impunity. While same god has genocided multiple goyim nations to protect his precious jews.
No circumcised shitstain is a god of mine.