I'll repeat that one more time so your feeble, tiny mind gets it.
I am NOT the "cute maid". I am NOT the one looking at a qt anime girl and "wishing it was me." I am NOT the flaming, fairy, falluting fucking faggot that you somehow wish you could god damn relate to, by making these stupid cunt threads over and OVER.
I am a man. I am a man who fucks women. I AM the one who FUCKS.
Do you get this? Do you get this in your pathetic brain, YET? You'd better. You'd better wisen the ever-loving mother-of-god fuck up in this changing world, sonny. Because the pendulum is swinging. It's swinging VERY FUCKING FAST.
GONE are the days where you limp-wristed fairy cuntwarbling faggot-enablers can post your insipid, subversive shit on this website in the hopes of converting men into weak-willed prancyboys. GONE are the days where you can give them latté enemas and shove candycanes up their butts while you sing Edith Piaf tunes and vote Democrat.
It's time to get tough, you fucking faggot.
It's time to stop this stupid shit.
The time is NOW.