>>21519596They have a blood curse for worshiping satan/moloch/baal for 2000-3000 years if not longer so it doesn't matter. So many of them are identifiable as part of their bargain. They're able to jew people really well, but they're identifiable if you REALLY know what you're doing. Part of that bargain being faustian is you know them by their works regardless, even if they almost pass for White their jewishness reveals it all in the end. That's why they always recoil when they're found out. Back to my thesis, it matters not how much they've succeeded at being gene thieves, they have a blood curse that drives them mad and evil.
We're on a precipice these days, we'll see the cards fall where they may. May God have mercy on our souls in judgement. May we work to be virtuous rather than sinful, and may he find us undeserving of punishment because of it.