>Had to take a history class at college for elective>Instructor let us choose a major topic for semester long report that would be dozens of pages and do a oral presentation>Everybody else picked subjects I wanted like French Revolution, Japanese periods, World Wars, American Civil War, Ancient Egypt etc.>Chose to research the Thirty Years War, didn't know too much about it and was the only one left>Instructor and other students looked at me like "oh shit" for some reason...>Went home and just browsed Wikipedia to get an idea of what I had to write then later on I use proper books for citations and shit>Quickly realized it was an INCREDIBLY devastating and fucked up conflict that ruined Europe for a long ass time, even global scale kinda>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_Years%27_WarBros is this a bearish omen? Anything related to the General Crisis of the 17th century is dark as fuck.