>>351846269https://wmbriggs.com/post/19791/>Similarly, and equally necessarily, all Classical men of the Late period were Stoics unawares. The whole Roman people, as a body, had a Stoic soul. The genuine Roman, the very man who fought Stoicism hardest, was a Stoic of a stricter sort than ever a Greek could be.Everything can be explained and understood in a very simple way if you don't conceal but expose the cults for what they really are.
For the Fascist and the Marxist (Socialist) man dreaming of Christianity is not enough. Both of those church movements and material philosophies want Christianity to materialize on earth. That is all there really is to it.
The death of Christianity means there is no way to go back and the worlds falls into Nihilism which results in the Unbirth of Christianity. After the French Revolution the world was turned on it's head. The cults where distorted and corrupted by the state.
This is no different than when the Roman Empire decentralized and Christianity spread meaning the state fell into ruin.
The Unbirth of Christianity is the Life Cult and the Death Cult portion of Christianity no longer recognizing itself but infighting. The Socialist Man and the Fascist Man are one and the same. They are affected by the same sickness that just expresses itself differently in it's form but at it's foundation is Narcissism. The cause of this mental disease is Capitalism and Technology. Technology is just Nature which has concealed itself from man during the Enlightenment into a different form. The Enlightenment however was twofold with Nature also becoming enlightened.
Capitalism is a parasite that attached itself to Christianity - the first stage (Slave) [Parasitic]
After this Capitalism annihilated Christianity - the second stage (Master) [Annihilation]
Now Capitalism tries to help Christianity come into being with Unbirth - the third stage (MasterSlave) [Mutualist]