>>19758393Ah, I wasn't caught up with the lore... I'm glad you finally got out, hope you're gmi....
>>19758426No, like I mentioned before, she's too pure for my unhinged shit and if it wasn't obvious enough, of course she doesn't fucking love me, she's not my fucking girlfriend and will probably never ever be.
Also why I was typing this post I almost walked into the corpse of a dead cat ran over by a car, flattened and left on the side of the road to rot.
Ahhh ahahaha I love life I love waking up I love living I never ever want it to end. I love killing innocent beings with my nigger fucking gypsy car because I'm in a rush to get to fucking work, to my pointless fucking office job so I can make fucking nigger money to spend it on more cars more fucking food to get as fucking bloated as I fucking can because I fucking lvoenlivijg I fucking love consuming that's why I'm in such a hurry all the FUCKING TIME BECAUSE TIME MEANS FUCKING MONEY AND I NEED MONEY I FUCKING NEED NIGGER MONEY BECAUSE WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO LIFE EXCPET CONSUMING AND TRAMPING OVER ANYRFUCKJNG THING THAYS IN MY WAY I CAN CONSUME MLRE MORE MLRE MLR EMORE MORE