I really think this will be my last post online. There is lots of evil that reside here. Intentional and also those who may rebuke Christ our Lord.
16 for me. I was blessed with the gift of tears. When I feel his presence, his comfort, and become full with the Holy Spirit. He shares with me for just a second or two all the pain and suffering that occurs in this world. His own pain and sadness that his children stray so far from the path he has set for us. I pray with intent directly after. There have been times in my life where I would stray, but know this: He will always welcome you back to his kingdom with open arms. All you have to do is admit that you have failed living a holy life and ask for guidance, strength, wisdom, peity, compassion, and all the virtues Christ embodied and to be accepted back into his arms. You will be amazed with what you feel.
Also for the Christians browsing this thread, I want to share this with you:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ynZJM4fgKTo. As we all know yet some willing to admit than others; the year of our Lord coming is this one. It's all there in Bible and scriptures. Strengthen your bond with our one True Lord and pray for those have yet to humble themselves before God.