>>19091405Yeah hi hello it's me :D
You can do it bro. You're on the ball with a lot of jargon and if you know even half of what you claim then you could easily land an end user support position. It would give you something to work on a cert like A+ or if you're really daring a CCNA. Net+ is also really good but it's really broad while not very deep. You got the chops for it bro and if you can troubleshoot your own windows problems you can do end user. Tiering up is a little daunting with how much trivial shit you have to learn and the subtle nuances in syntax between different manufacturers but it's worth it.
Don't put yourself down and be so hard on yourself. You sound like a young guy and yeah you're gonna run a string of bad luck in life. It happens to all of us. You're not alone at least.
I'd recommend mass applying for end user positions. Nothing remote. Show them face to face what you know and be proud of it.
I dun wanna see you die when we just became frens ;O: