Pit Bulls may seem bad on the surface, but I assure you, they're not.
>Pit Bulls name originates from them being bred to fight in pits while the Bull comes from the English Bulldog>Gambling men would bet on how many small animals a dog could kill, or how fast>pit bulls specialized in hunting RATS>with this in mind, the pit bull hates the jew, despises it.>german shepards seem like fucking fairies compared to pitbulls when it comes to detesting the jew>and jews know this, which is why theyve tried to eradicate the breed>they cant though, because unbeknownst to them, a super secret international collective of based men intententionally flood the fuck out of dog shelters>they want pitbulls in every neighborhood to ward off the jew>jews eventually relented and were forced to find another solution>they decided to have their former slaves start to domesticate them>their reasoning was that if the pitbull is comfortable around blacks then it can be comfortable around their jewish masters eventually>this backfired miserably>the pitbull can smell fear as a shark does blood>blacks are not predisposed to fear like the jew is, and so they passed the test>niggers, being so prone to violence, often used their pit bulls to attack full grown men>pit bull reaches level 9000>only attacks jews, people surrounding themselves with jewry, and are able to run a 23andMe on someone in an instant>picrel required 20 people, 20 fucking people, to save this jew from the pitbull>sometimes my pit bull will sneak out at night, open the gate, and come home covered in jewish blood>thanks to niggers it can break into houses toohttps://dailystormer.su/maxdidnothingwrong-heroic-pitbull-named-max-attacks-vicious-jew-child/