We never viewed white female with nigger in real life in Brazil, but the opposite happens No.16511268 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Look at the comments, why asian men is reward for being shit with the way who american social engineering don't expose these asian men, try to brainwash asian women against white male, try to promote white men as negative for females and hide every shit of men of other race to still keep the social engineering of white men bad and men who aren't white good in narrative of USA
But why this is made in unfair biased way? Because the 1% of corporate white men get money of men of other race population with white male forced to be with white women only, social engineering to boycott white men and asian women to please asian men, social engineering of white women being only race pornfied and sexualized for men of other races, social engineering to you have no self-esteem, no pride, no confidence,grow up depressed forced to watch these sterile white men and the things who aren't made to benefit white men in real life, the opposite, the social engineering is made to lower sexual value of white male while pretending that they are great for being forced to be with white owmen only even after years of corporate white men wanting to get money of men of other race making the white women the only race sexualized and pornfied in every hole for men of other races and social engineering to put women of other race against white men
Why do you think USA hide the men of other race being cringe, negative, bad, and try to promote only white men being used as negative, cringe, bad in social engineering of USA? because corporate white men want the money of these black men living in third world countries like USA and latin america, corporate white men want the money of incel chinese boys living outside and inside asian countries, so the whole americuck social engineering was constructed to 1% of corporate white men getting moeny and 99% of every kid who born white and man grow up sad and depressed in americuck social engineering of third world made by 1% of corporate white men