>>10854528Some of her most well read works are:
Steps to Christ - a crucial introduction to finding God for anyone
The Great Controversy - puts the conflict between God and Satan into perspective and how important is the Gospel message
Ministry of Healing - a really good book on things ranging from diets, caring for the sick, organizing a home, and a lot of other topics
Patriarchs and Prophets - a look at the Old Testament. More of a commentary and it’s relevance to modern Seventh-day Adventist’s
Prophets and Kings - simile to Patriarchs, more look at the Old Testament history and it’s relevance
The Desire of Ages - the life of Jesus and the importance of his work, a great read to go along with the Gospel chapters in the Bible
The Acts of the Apostles - mostly looking at Paul’s life and the others who took the message of hope across to the gentile world
One thing Ellen G White did emphasis was that her writing and work should never be taken over what the Bible teaches, she’s just a guide pointing to the greater light which is found in the study of the word of God