Quoted By:
Jordan Rivera's Current Scorecard:
Progress on ‘Nothing Go’ project - nil.
Progress on new ‘Book’ project - nil.
Progress on new animated series project ‘Fakaru Komeka’ - nil.
Progress on animated series/movie project ‘Desu Start’ - nil.
Progress on project ‘Tata! The Amazing Anime’- nil.
Progress on ‘Toilet Man’ - nil.
Progress from Lil' Macker the Brapper aka. Lil’ Dalla Mane - nil.
Progress on ‘Lole TV Network’ - nil.
Progress on website updates - nil.
Progress on InstaGram - nil.
New 'art' - nil.
New alias' created - nil.
New TV Networks - nil.
New Companies - nil.
New Gaming Consoles - nil.
New Countries Invented - nil.
Deleting incriminating files on laptop: 100%
Blaming others for his own fuck-ups: 100%
Professional Lolcow: 100%