Any tips to get a Chinese agent to get me a good, proper laptop screen ?
Anonymous ID:Nwo1OM8m No.20463851 View ViewReport Quoted By:
See i bought a laptop for my BF, second hand type of shit, broken screen and all because i'm broke as hell
Only issue is that i bought a replacement screen on the Internet ( Via a reseller on eBay ), and when i recieved it, it wasn't the right model ( A sub-tier model that would've costed me 30$ less )
Apparently, this is common practice with resellers, but i really want that exact screen i'm looking for, as it has very good colors, unlike most trash laptop screens
So, i guess a Chinese agent that can look for the marchandise isn't that much of a bad deal, no ?
They got into trouble with the PandaBuy incident recently it seems, though