>>11327411>Stop drinking sodas and eating junkfoodBut I like my Dr. Pepper. It's a drink for intellectuals
>Prepare your own mealsWhat are some easy stew recipes I can make with 15€?
>Go outside moreBut (((they))) don't want us going out and even if I do I get dirty looks for not wearing a mask. This virus shit has gotten out of hand.
>Stop watching pornDoes hentai count? How else am I supposed to interact with my waifu?
>Start gardeningWhat are some easy veggies to start with for an inexperienced gardener? Where do I pick up some good books on basics?
>Get /fit/I want to build muscle since my metabolism is really fucking fast and I'm just skin and bones. I weigh 63k with like no muscle mass. What routines or exercises should I look into to bulk up more?
>Read booksRecommend literature, faggot.
>Get 8 hours of sleepAlready do
>Move out of the citiesIf you live anywhere BUT the cities you're condemning yourself to poverty because you're retarded. I don't want to live in the city but there's no alternative if I wanna make money.
>Learn a tradeDoes InfoSec count?