>>22278762>>22278762>I mean idk they were in Egypt and Babylon and all the other nations like Greece and Spain hebrews aren’t Jews and Israelites are different than Jews too Judah is just one tribeConvoluted reasoning that usually ends in whites being da real joos
>You adhere to the English monarchy claiming royalty from JesusMerovingians went from being descendants of a serpent-god to being descendants of Jesus too. Monarchs adapt to ensure sacral authority, unfortunately Christianity compromises this, and if they really were kikes, we wouldn't have the kikes needing to behead and install their own banker cuckstitutional monarch, would we? James I claimed monarchs were gods, in a very pagan-like manner, not in a jewish manner at all.
That being said, kikes and freemasons have infiltrated nobility with the 'we wuz' psyop, including royals I'm sure. It has spawned british israelism. Obviously what the OP is doing with this thread and other similar threads is an old charlatan tactic, adding credence to my post.
read the book.