>>9248685This is a bit of a blogpost, but I want to talk about something that feminists don't want to acknowledge.
How come feminists don't notice that their “women's liberation” will backfire on them? The first damaging thing they're doing to third world women is outsourcing child production and reproductive labour. In order to have these feminist Scandinavian-style welfare states, another part of the world has to be a hyper-conservative society that will create the conditions necessary for high birthrates. The first world has abundance which can then be used to educate women just as the feminists wanted, but this reduces the birthrate of the host country, causing a demographic crisis. In order to maintain this ponzi scheme, the host state turns to immigration, and this is where foreign women are really fucked over. Someone has to birth these immigrants, and the women who do birth them have to produce enough babies to ensure that at least two countries avoid a demographic crisis; the home country and the host country. In order to have these high birthrates though, the pressures against fertility would have to be removed, meaning that access to education and birth control for women would have to be denied for this first-world feminist pyramid scam to work. This would also have to be combined with the intense fertility pressure of religious fundamentalism, meaning that the end result of these “immigrant factories” would be a Taliban-like regime that keeps women in this specialized position. On top of that, these immigrants will eventually become legal citizens who will educate their women, leading to this cycle repeating itself with more immigrants, until either the entire third world is exhausted, or there is some other crisis.