>>7664084>Be a nigger?>Illegally buy guns off the black market, or otherwise steal a gun?>Shoot other niggers for gang related reasons?>Shoot whitey because fuck whitey?>Get shot by police for shooting people?>Get treated as a martyr by everyone?>Be in horrible school system?>Be mentally ill and not given correct treatment?>Be ostracized by everyone?>Be treated like shit by shitty teachers?>Finally fucking crack?>Steal daddy's legally obtained gun behind his back and shoot up the school?>Shoot yourself?>Be depressed, suicidal, whatever?>Want to just fucking end it all?>Want to go out painlessly?>Too afraid of heights to jump off a high place?>Too afraid of an accidentally highly painful death after a failed attempt at hanging yourself?>Killing yourself with a gun instead?>You suicide being counted at a gun death for (((democrats))) to lump together with actual murder for them to use as a talking point to disarm the American population and kickstart their authoritarian rule?There's a reason behind every bullet, y'know.
>Don't get vaccination shot because your parents are retarded?