>>10286196oh yeah I forgot to mention
the kekti didn't wither despite getting soaked in lighterfluid
hmmmmmmm but katawa shoujo is freeware, meaning everybidy could read it, when only pirates and paying customers review some of the more karcinogenic people get filtered
>do you want me to die while bagging 7 kilos of bouncy fluids in backpack in hot spring sun which competes the one present in midst of august heatwave?now the communist sign is there only because I never ended up making the swastika, the entirety of it is made from the same tortoise pasted until ut filled the entire shape
>dude people are horny and sentimental values apply to nudes toonobody thinks about ending the relationship, sure, it stays in back of the head as inevitability but people take their chance at being happy even for a moment together
>I keep a boxcutter and a razorblade if og samsung goes hungryless than 50 for doujins but I save all kinds of links this way; mega links, yt links, imgur, nyafuu archives, pornhub, this, that, thot and many others
I even have a solitary group on whatsapp whose I'm the only member and that's where I keep the most important of my links
and no I don't self insert, I never had that "wow hes literally me" moment with any of rhe characzers in anime
>by the way my heart is speaking I will last 6 more months before I won't be able to leave the bed outside of the wheelchairdude I starved myself to brink of anorexia and not even with tying (the thhing they use when they try to pull your blood) they just don't pop up
that musts be it
I just don't have propper circulation to the muscles
hell even my heart beats abnormally slow if I miss out on my daily regiment of 48 hour energy