>>13495043Not by Power nor by Might, but by My Spirit
United Not Divided.
To each man there comes in his life one moment unique to him and fitted to his talents, what a shame if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that which could've been His Finest Hour.
Gods Grace is Sufficient.
Thou 10,000 fall infront of you and a 1000 at your side, it shall not come near the
God will not suffer the Righteous to be Moved nor their bones to break.
They will walk through the Waters will not go over their heads. They will walk through the Fire and the flame shall not touch them. All the Valleys will rise, and the hills
will be made low, and the all of his Mountains will be made a way. A smoke by day,
and a Fire by Night shall lead the people. And the Kings Highway will be built.
We Will Overcome.
The Wall Will Fall, but it will be Rebuilt even in troublesome times.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B24G7dxfaeA&list=PLo4gNHvZvQmRoO2FahzdNlVvK1_i-ut10&index=9WWG1 WGA
>>13495044No Coincidences.
He Did Things Then - and he does them now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sQjh261rU8&list=PLo4gNHvZvQmRoO2FahzdNlVvK1_i-ut10&index=13>>13495045the two Golden sensors that the two branches of the two olive trees are in are
basically two furnaces of affliction, wherewith the Gold is tried by the fire, and the
melting pot refines the silver, and the golden oil pours out of the sensors into the
bowl between the olive trees, which is Wisdom, as found in the Proverbs.
Wherewith the Mystery of God is Finished.
It pleased the Lord to bruise him. The Lamentations are True, and God breaks
the Hands of the Sinners, and their teeth like Gravel. But he breaks the Arms of
the Wicked. We were struck with an incurable wound, but lo it is Cured.
>>13495047His name is Holy, Holy Smokes, but he doesn't curse.