>>5625439 anon doesn't have a Goddamn clue.
Koreans, Japs and Asians in general are in surprisingly large proportion at Eliot Rodger tier buttflusteredness. Look at the state of r/asianmasculinity, it's genuinely as bad as r9k, arguably even worse in that they have no sense of humor at all and the weird habit of saving pictures of Asian dudes rich enough to have a white girlfriend which they post to boost their morale and troll /pol/ and /b/. Examples of the Asian special level of racemixing anal annihilation abound although the funniest one is probably a guy who called himself China Bounder who was an ESL teacher in Shanghai that wrote a blog about all the Chinese girls he banged. He soon had an army of bootyblasted stalkers led by a fucking college professor who put together a profile on him and went to the various bars he described purely to stalk him and try to figure out who he was. Eventually his hivemind ID'd him (this guy was not James Bond) and he was soon getting death threats at home and at work. Yes, death threats; the kind of thing that would land you in serious trouble in a real country. Eventually he left China, being understandably paranoid about being suicide charged on the subway by a garlic breathed permavirgin armed with a kitchen knife.