>>9704566This universe is a fucking blast. God is a funny m-fer once you figure out how to talk to him. Level 7 is just the end of the physical material world. There are 6 secret hidden levels. In total there are 13 levels of Truth(that I know of I doubt there is more though, 13 feels perfect, my intuition rarely wrong). Level 7 is simply the shitty ending to castlevania syphony of the night, you gotta beat the game with HOLY GLASSES on to get the real ending... When you beat castlevania syphony of the night while wearing the HOLY GLASSES you get a more difficult mirrored area with better weapons, new enemies, new puzzles, new everything except the map shape is mirrored/inverted. Its the best twist out of all games. Level 8 is vortexia, level 9 is eternal soulforce, level 10 is determining your category, level 11 is training your own unique eternal soulfource, level 12 is creating your unique ability using restrictions and limitations, level 13 is mastery of Truth in all subjects. Level 1 prolly aint time level 1 is 1 aka God aka Truth aka time. Time aint linear its cyclical. Everything must be rooted in God aka Truth in order to get past level 1.