>>19319425Valari somehow finds the strength to sit up again, and sees before her a beautiful spirit clad in blue. She has become immersed in the shaman's art so thoroughly that it is now is innate to her, requiring no spells or rituals to see and communicate with Gemma, but rather she is able to do so as easily as she talks to a living person.
>"A-Ahh! I am saved! Spirit, I sense you are powerful; if you lend me your strength I can use it to heal--"Valari looks at her body, and touches her formerly charred skin with her hands.
>"I-I am already healed."She blinks, gazing at the spirit who has saved her, and then falls to one knee behind you.
>"THANK YOU. THANK YOU--I say it twice, and more would never be enough. I-I owe you my life. I will carry this gratitude with me for the rest of my life and beyond, and should it ever be in my power to aid you, you need but ask."She pulls herself to her feet and looks at Gemma through wet eyes brimming with gratitude.
>"My name is Valari. I come from another world and know few others here save the Queen, who I serve. What is the name that I should use when addressing my savior?"