>>441157Ive been on /pol/ since the Zimmerman trials, and I can tell you for certain that "Kek" and all of that shit is boring now. Normies have stolen it. Once normalfags get a hold of a meme it's dead. They're going to draw it out and use the meme so often that it loses its charm, and it becomes a dead meme. You see normalfags flying around Kekistan flags in these fucking protests for instance.
I remember when OVER 9000 and LOLcats used to be memes. Then normies came, and what used to be fun memes became utter unfunny shit. Kek is going to die the same way. Just abandon ship now and let the new memes come, for they will always come as long as we create. But as we create, normies destroy, and that is the nature of memes.