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There is no special meaning to your existence, or any other. This has been said by other posters here, and is an evidence. It therefore falls to you to create your own meaning.
Since you said you are not religious, we can exclude those avenues of thought.
You said you wanted to find Peace, Happiness, Laughter, Adventure, and things of this nature. It is good and well, but unrealistic. To yearn for the absolutes is not the way to go.
You progress by taking baby steps, by working on yourself. True happiness comes from the self. You seem to have tried different things like gym and games and music, but you have not tried to find yourself.
I do not mean finding yourself in a mystical or esoteric sense. I mean finding your goals in life. You seem to want to be outsanding, but also lack focus and resolution to see things through. If that is truly what you want, then you know what to do : practice hard, and go beyond yourself.
If not, know that a good life is not a life devoid of bad things. Happiness often doesn't come in one cathartic block, by in small doses administered throughout your life. It is the laughter of someone beloved, it is in improving yourself bit by bit, it is in doing good for the people around you. Or it can be in anything, as long as you decide it has value for you. But it is not in the absence of sadness or hardships. Such a life would be a mind numbing bliss, and you would find yourself unable to enjoy it.
What I'm artlessly trying to convey here is this : yearn not for what you want, but for what you need. Find merit in a life lived well, and proceed from here. There will be a time for greatness if you are dedicated enough, but you cannot build a castle on shaky foundations.