>>3729775Grimoires contain certain rites, formulae and invocations that can prove useful in assembling ones own magickal system.
>a break down of scrying and the method you are attempting?Scrying is a pretty broad term that involves visually examining a catalyst (usually a reflective surface of some kind but it can also involve smoke, a candle flame, tea leaves in a cup, animal entrails etc)
My method involves the use of a polished disc of obsidian in a psychomanteum. The disc is placed in low light and at an angle such that its reflective quality becomes that of a black pool. I then, for a time ritually meditate on the operation I am about to perform in order to attain a state of gnosis (an altered state of conciousness gained through ritual and meditation) Once suitably prepared (kids put to bed, phone turned off so not to be disturbed etc) I take up position in my psychomanteum and gaze into the black mirror. From the black mirror, images will form (iv lots of stuff - spirit faces, landscapes, geometric patterns, and some weird shit that is hard to articulate) I usually spend between 15-60 min on the scrying. After completion I record everything witnessed in shorthand (its very easy to forget - its very similar to dream state in that respect) and perform a banishing ritual to clear any unwanted residual etheric interlopers, then I set about the task of trying to interpret what the psychomanteum has shown to me.
>How do drugs aid in your work?By better helping achieve relaxed state of mind required to successfully visualise images in the scrying catalyst.
>What understanding does one gleam from a dream?Usually nothing but sometimes dreams (particularly recurring ones) can contain symbolism that when properly interpreted can contain information about the subconcious and its links to the etheric spheres (in short esoteric information pertinent to self) Interloping entities/spirits can also manipulate dreams in order to convey a message or impart wisdom.