>>5177197I actually am 100% positive that you're lying through your teeth and through your keyboard
lemme just gather up some evidence that you are that one autistic italian frogposter
prepare to get your daily worth of (You)'s
>>5176922>frogs shouldn't be abused or bullied because this is supposed to be a nice board towards EVERYONE, frogposters included>I really think animefags are really pushing it too far nowgee I wonder why you are so soft towards frogposters and so much against animeposters
>>5176931also, for following your own logic, you are shitting on animeposters even though you say this should be a nice board towards EVERYONE, which if you're including everyone, you're including animeposters
Once again, you seem to be antagonising animeposters for a reason
And just to prove this guy
>>5176953 and you wrong, take a look at the catalog right now, AND ONLY LOOK AT THE OP'S THAT HAVE ANIME IMAGES
There is absolutely no anime thread that even talks about frogposters, except 1 thread
Meanwhile, if you do enough digging in the archives, frogposters make a majority of threads shitting on weebs, animefags, etc.
further more, this is a random board, there is no such thing as culture here, there is never anything really set in stone or regarded as true culture since things can dissapear and appear at any time on this board. It's completely static without one thing in place, even this applies to things since day 1