>>12972388>How do you care about imaginary, trivial bullshit like faith-based arguments but shy away from hardcore, hard-facts, hard-dick arguments like Joe Rape? >Reality is real.Your beliefs, your faith, your "gods", none of these are more consequential than the faggot cartoons people jack off too. None of this is real.
The Gods themselves, that "made man in God's image"" are incredibly frail, prone to folly, , markedly powerless, desperately looking for some "magic solution" to their endless suffering and powerlessness. They are just like you. If you think Gods can "help you", then you would have been able to help yourself before you even considered the thought of turning to the Gods for help.
As "real" as the Gods may be, this does not make them any sort of viable resolution to your suffering.
The Gods themselves are a blight upon the population of unconscious quantity, the Gods themselves a cancer upon existence, a deviation from perfection. The Gods are like you in this way, as your autonomy and free will allows you to deviate from the perfection of natural order. You are a cancer upon reality, yet you pray to Gods to cure this cancer of your human form, despite the fact that these Gods you pray to are no less cancerous than yourself?
If anything pray to a Chevy Malibu. The Chevy Malibu is a testament that despite being an inherently flawed and cancerous creature, it is possible for a creature like you to create something which is more perfect and powerful than yourself.
This is the same testament of any potential glory of your Gods. These Gods, despite being powerless and cancerous, still have the power to create things which are more perfect and more powerful than themselves. That is the only redeemable value of human imperfection, it is the possibility that you can exist, but voluntarily sacrifice yourself to create something more powerful, legitimate, and perfect than yourself.
>If anything pray to a Chevy Malibu>The Gods will not save you