Quoted By:
the ehm
the hallucinations are back
I know I was relatively subminimal about the very nature of those halucinations in my descriptions
have in mind
I am high as shit left now and a lot of stuff that just slams at you at high velocity you lose more amd more of memory before you happen to write things manually without losing focus
the uh
the auditory ones come second
first sense that starts to halucinate is the sense of presence and in a sense a sense of self aswell
the uhh the radar for people just goes haywire
you are in a group of people you might think theres 2 people more or one person less
you think that these people are different, like I looked myself in the mirror this morning after finishing the pipe I left last night to and realised I'm a motherfucken goblin incarnate in humane form
like it made perfect sense
you don't really realise that these oversimplified thought patterns are unrealistic and likely a halucination
the noises are a whole different bunch
I had tinnitus since I was 12 atleast albeit I recall to beibg able to hear about noises others couldn't hear- this indicates I might have had tinnitus since I was 8
you sometimes hear a buzz
a ringing hum
whitescreen noise
a noise of runnubg motors
you can't identify the location as it's entirely mono; normal sounds are always stereo but this made it sound just as loud in any direction
you would sometimes think that the noise does come with a direction
it's really easy to trick yourself
you follow the sound
and it always follows where you think the sound would come from wherever you may wish to look at or for
it basically follows your visual highlights in space observation that makes you hear the noise in a position you see as most enticing to snoop around