Men used to marry girls in their early teens - we're talking like 12 years old - just 150 years ago. In fact, this has been the case for thousands upon thousands of years. This allowed for high birth rates as, to be quite frank, women that young were just breeding tools. It was needed since infant mortality rates were so high. It's just been in the past 100 years, with the rise of first wave feminism, that they pushed to raise the age of consent to 16-18, depending on where you live. And honestly speaking, this along with allowing women the right to vote set off a chain of events and a societal morality shift that demonizes any man who's attracted to a girl younger than 18. It's against human nature honestly. Ever wonder why "barely 18" and "teen" porn are the most popular porn categories? It's the closest you can legally get to what has natural for millennia, the attraction to young girls. There's a deep-rooted desire in the subconsciousness of men to be attracted to the young, pure virgin. We no longer have that in our societies that are dominated by the votes of women.