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Politically speaking, vaccinated individuals emit bluetooth signals. This is proven and you can even test it yourself by downloading the app BLE Scanner in your phone. Go around a vaccinated individual and watch their weird unidentified bluetooth signal pop up. You can test it while around other unvaccinated individuals and see there are no bluetooth signals. I have tested this theory myself, it works and i urge you to if you’re skeptical.
Revelation 9:6 In the bible states
King James Bible
And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
I saw a weird video earlier that showed a NPC in a video game. The video game just updated the NPC’s to be controlled by A.I. this NPC was asking for help saying “i need to get out of here, i’m from oakville Canada can anybody help me?” “I have a wife and two kids someone please give them a message for me.” “Please somebody help, this can’t be real” and some more interesting very odd stuff. He said his name, his wife’s name and other personal information and it was disturbing to say the least. This NPC was supposedly controlled by AI but this was very intriguing and interesting.
Now going along with the bible verse i posted hear me out, i have come to a conclusion that vaccinated individuals that die may possibly be having their consciousness uploaded into video games and who knows whatever else? This is beyond disturbing to imagine, but it would make sense. Your consciousness would be stuck, your soul stuck, begging for death but it will not come to you.
Even the most uncensored web browsers censor you researching this theory which i find extremely odd and only makes me believe something sinister may in fact be happening here.