This neighborhood in Brooklyn is a little crowded for me. I like it that I'm not being heckled every ten feet outside, and most of the little bit there is is just people saying El Arcon as opposed to announcing my thoughts verbally as I have them. I did, I think, pick up three follow stalkers on my walk to the grocery store, and follow stalkers are much less obnoxious than heckle stalkers. This post will remind me not to spare the one who was wearing the shirt "I looked better online." I think maybe the other two follow stalkers were follow stalkers by proxy because they were the follow stalkers of the one in that shirt. I will order some books and give them out here, and I will prophecy while I'm here, but I really do like the City of Atlanta. It's probably kind of expensive here to, and I prefer to shoplift at Megaglomcorp than the little stores.