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...Anonymous (ID: xGdQtCih)
MGTOW shilling
02/08/18(Thu)09:27:07 No.159711878
35 KB
Why is MGTOW shilling so hard here?
The "white women are beyond saving" and "Asian race mixing" threads always turn out to be a MGTOW demoralization tactic.
Even the ones with legitimate criticism of women are flooded by MGTOW posters trying to black pill people.
Couple things-
For "going there own way" they discuss women constantly, it actually seems like a gynocentric state of mind.
Why do they always target white women?
Because it's designed to make you hate women and join their movement.
Are they hypocrites? Yes because they insult women for being shallow and materialistic, then advocate a shallow, me first life.
Artificial wombs?
That shows how nihilistic they are. You really think (((they))) would sell them at Walmart for $2 in the next ten years? No way
The worst part about MGTOW is how much they talk about black cock. They constantly project there love for it onto you, and all women. I've literally seen MGTOW on here write black cock fan fiction.
They will always accuse you of "being a roastie" to derail legitimate criticism.
Just like the queer community, they don't reproduce so to keep there ideas going, they have to target young men for conversion.
Just remember, MGTOW sees pic related and doesn't care.