>>11027712I don't get what this means. Just closing your eyes and literally seeing an object in front of you? Just the pitch black darkness and a full 3D-Apple sitting there and glistering? Sherlock "words apeparing on thin air" Holmes Tier? That I can't do. Now, if you mean "seeing" the apple, or whatever, in my mind's eye, sure. It's just imagination. You can conjure up anything. You don't even need to close your eyes. But if we're talking about something like pic related I cannot do it. I can play back the scene in my mind, or something from a vidya I played. I can, say, "see" Big Boss beating up Same Fisher, but it's not actually "seeing" it, it's something running at the back of my head as I'm writing this.
I don't know, this has always perplexed me. When I close my eyes, in front of me, there's nothing. I just "imagine" and "see", but it's not something that out of thin air appears in front of me, like an apparition or something.