*That's who started all this...*
*After all, she's the one who took the MRAP to the battle, forcing Warhorse to investigate and almost get killed trying to save her...and the town*
*First that stupid party, and now thanks to being unfocused and no time to train, Warhorse came home empty-handed...*
*But of course, she'll never see this side of the story...And more than likely C.A.M.O will be seen as the villain again, Shogun will defend her again, etc. ad nauseum*
*These thoughts swirling in her head, with Onigiri's carefree face starting to appear in them...The demon, the unkillable demon, is now vexing her greatly*
*She's already lost her temper once...*
*Instead, the tears continue to flow. Embarrassing, now that Shogun sees C.A.M.O's face clear as the night sky. Her words of encouragement barely register with the solider. She merely puts out her cigarette and tosses it over the balcony. Turning to Shogun fully, she says...*
*C.A.M.O wants to say something, something threatening, a warning to Shogun about her "partner"....but her quivering mouth cannot find the words...She just wipes the tears away and and brushes past Shogun to go back inside and finally get some sleep...*
*....No point in getting up early tomorrow....*