>>9809799... at the end of the day in the world of human beings were we have discovered and tamed fire and technology to make our way to the top of the food chain it’s of zero relevance what your bod looks like. If shit ever hits the fan and we no longer have hollywood in our face all day in tv and social media and we all have to work like real men used to work and without bullshit usury like loans and credit then all the modern day faggotry of weight training and trying to look like those queers from the 80s who injected a bunch of animal serum to look like over inflated muscle apes will come to an end. Instead of “exercising” and doing bullshit like picking up weights and putting them down because “Muh gnc, muh gym bros, muh diet and fitness industry” said it would make you become chad we will all be doing real work. We will be truly productive and will maintain a naturally fit physique. Hell some of us might even be a bit chunky but do just fine because we made our way out of the caves with tools and brains not roid muscle.