Deeply traumatic memories of being forced into close contact with disgusting wrestling fans and covered in drinks and other filth by Miss USA are still fresh in Priscilla's mind. Her challenge represented an opportunity, a chance for one of the Angels to put her in her place.
But Priscilla herself was busy with Gemma, and had no intention of allowing anyone or anything to distract her any further from her first challenger. And with Nikki busy with Mighty Milf, Immaculate Connection chasing Warhorse and Sapphire thinking she was being lied to when she was told about the contract Priscilla obtained for her, options seemed limited.
But of course, the Divine Angels were seven strong, not five. It was time for Lucy or Nika to pull their weight. Lucy... she needs to be tested. She needs to prove she belongs, that Nikki is wrong about her. With recent rumors about her potentially returning to the ring, could this be the time? Then there is a knock on Priscilla's door.
>>18324539As Colby informs her of her latest encounter with Miss USA, it becomes clear a decision will have to be made, right now. But a task like the insane Miss USA might come a little too soon for Lucy. That left only one woman. A woman who spent months in a dungeon with Priscilla's best trainer. A woman whose triumphant return since fizzled into another string of losses, followed by her disappearance.
>I understand, Colby. She's away from the mansion right now. But after everything she's said about Nikki, Sapphire and your beloved Amy, it's time she backed it up by being as reliable as they have been.Priscilla raises her voice
>Gustavo! Come here, I have a job for you.