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Don't feel bad op the npcs have limited capacity for socialisation programs after their data storage center gets filled up with family work and kids.
This has been happening to me since I was 13 and I'm 28 now don't even have any friends.
Also quit social media but I found most people these days are anti social as fuck especially here in aus in general all they do is work their dull job then Gome home and play vidya and watch Netflix then tuck their dumb npc kidlets into bed so they can drop them off at daycareschoolunjjob and do it all again
Everyone besides neets are time poor and don't wunna hang out anymore so fuck em I just sit on here and shitpost 24/7 with my fellow ausfags and shit cunt
Sadly I've been stuck here for 13 years and no it doesn't get any better.
JUST go start a family and hope it doesn't implode
Me personally idk I'm sick of life here everyone is miserable never does anything anymore either