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You realize that most burgers are decended from the rural cavaliers and german mercenaries. And there was a strong selective pressure against those who could not adapt to urban living for the first 200 years of our nation's existence, remember that 60% of all immigrants to the USA left again prior to 1965.
Is it wrong that we esteem small towns and farmsteads and disdain even the cities of the old world? It is our way? We are not the old world, we are the exiled, the expats, the failed reactionists, the mercenaries, the warriors, and the religious fanatics of the old world. We came to this land and cut our own empire out of the wilderness and hides of the filthy injuns when nowhere and noone would accept us. This is our empire: forged over the lands we burned, quenched in the blood we spilled, over the bones of enemies we broke. All while the crown and later the republic stimied us at every turn. We have been betrayed at every turn and yet we(conservative whites in the USA) are the only demographic in any industrial nation that breeds at above replacement rates. We reject modernity, urbanity, and civiliation. I'd rather be a barbarian than be weak.