>>19422075Colby smiles at Priscilla's praise for her victory over Zunigoth.
>"Thanks Priscilla. I did it for a friend, I guess. I've seen too many friends buried, or put in the hospital. And then there's what happened to Amy. Even Carmody seemed like she got knocked out pretty bad, taking that hit from Ash like she did. Which..... I'm glad she did it to save you, but the only reason she needed to in the first place is because she's got Ash so stirred up by acting the way she does. Sooner or later Carmy's gonna get hurt, or create problems for herself and us that are gonna be awfully difficult to fix.">"And Amy is..... well, she's still with us. She's got her health and strength. We've just gotta take things one day at a time with her injury, I guess. It gives me something to think about. If there's a chance she can get better, I'd really like it if she can see all of our wedding.">"Anyway, I'm gonna be there for her as much as I can. Like I am for all of you.">>19422292Colby's somber expression brightens a bit when Nikki sits up, though she's a little confused at her outburst.
>"N-Nikki!? Uhh, glad you're up! You were out a long time. You seemed to be hurt really bad."She looks Nikki over and sees that her injuries seem to have faded.
>"But you look a lot better now?"