>>11180837Very based. Very blood based aswell.
The filthy Universalists inside the movement are scum and an insult to the true faith. They bring their Jewish values and (((civic nationalist))) mindset as if its welcome,traditional or encouraged.
We believe in the spirits and that the Gods speak through them to us unworthy mortals. We strive to better ourselves physically,mentally and sexually(to boost our kins numbers) in the hope we become worthy in the eyes of the Gods. Our rituals can induce visions from the energy transferrence of the collective willpower. We train physically in the forests and mountains outside the City of the Gods every major holiday and season(the virus scuppered this year) and commit rituals in the name of Freyr,Wotan,Thor,Frigg,Tyr,Heimdallr and Freyja with our brothers,sisters,wives, husbands aswell as commit some of our brothers and sisters to Valhalla,Hel,Helgafjell and Fólkvangr wherever Wotan and Freyja decide they belong.
True Heathens are not "Universalist" race traitors known as (((The Troth))) bringing their corrupted Christian American ideas with them, the true Heathen are ethno nationalists and defenders of the land, Europes soil is ours and ours alone. We are in an unrecorded civil war between the Universalist scum and the true Volk and fights are common. They are not welcome and neither is Loki worship. Their spilled blood is an offering to the spirits and ours is an honour in the name of the original Gods. All our kin are welcome, the vast pantheon of Europa is our true faith.
We recently consecrated a temple in an area that hasn't been blessed in 1000 years. It was a very emotional moment. More are being built across the north and west of Europe by various groups. Sadly one of our number passed before the consecration from a accident but alas he was honoured as the first to be sent to meet the Gods in the new site. His name engraved on traditional stones in runes.