>>13185434I read scripture more than you may think I do and I also read contemporary works which helps me put things in historical context so that I don't get tempted into believing things that don't make sense and therefore make me lose faith in the long run. I love you brother, but you're making an error here.
You have to remember that the Israelites were transitioning from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. At this time you had a belief system that was categorized as "Scythianism". This was the next stage of "Barbarism" which was the belief system that lacked a constitutional structure. Scythian law is when your civilization starts to organize better. The laws of this civilization was followed because it was forced by rulers who claimed to be "Sons of God" like the rulers of Babylon, Sumeria and Egypt (Romans and Greeks also did this but their belief structure was known as Hellenism which is related to Hinduism). Scythians followed the law out of fear, the Israelites followed theirs out of wanting to follow it because they understood why law in general is important. The Cannanites and the Israelites were not the same people, they had different belief structures entirely. The reason you see things like "circumcision" and "putting people to death" was because of the nature humanity was like at that time. Scythian societies revert to barbarism whenever the state starts to disappear because no ruler is scaring them into order. The people you see in 2020 aren't much different, they'll revert back to the same detestable things that the Cannanites have been accused of in Deuteronomy. Bear in mind, I imagine that not every single Cannanite sacrificed babies and committed homosexuality but I think the majority knew and were to cowardly to do anything about it. This is why God considered them detestable because psychologically speaking, they were so adamant of there not being anything wrong with that behavior that they chimped out like how the NPCs do nowadays.