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An American spy is in Moscow and decides to defect. So he goes to the Kremlin and walks up to the front desk to explain his intentions. The receptionist directs him to a queue down the hall. When he arrives he is asked if he has a radio. He answers yes. So he is sent to another queue. There he is asked to confirm he has a radio and a gun. He answers yes. He is then transferred to a new office. There he is asked if he has a radio, gun, disguise, and getaway car. He answers yes. Finally he is transferred to administration for processing. He is asked to confirm he has a radio, gun, disguise, escape vehicle, and an assigned mission. He confirms he does. The overworked bureaucrat is so exasperated with being forced to file more paperwork he just snaps at him to get out of his office and get on with his mission, since everyone there is too busy to deal with him.