>>17540205Why they (vaxxies) even took it huh?
>My job had a vaccine requirement and I have no identity beyond my career and community reputation.>I don't want people to think I'm different. >I have a very important job and I can't look like I'm not leadership materialGluttony:
>My favorite restaurant is now open for indoor dining with proof of vaccination, I haven't had my favorite dish there for over a year! Cooking at home isn't the same, so...>I got a free donut everyday for being vaccinated during the month of July. It's my reward for helping the community.Envy:
>Everybody I know from my favorite actors to my doctor got their shots immediately, I can't miss out on something so popular! I heard some people are even winning million lotteries and cars for getting vaccinated, I need in!>Look at all those people partying like it's 2019 again, I NEED to go!Greed
>Not vaccinating would have meant I'd have to live a lower quality of life. I worked hard to get where I am, I'm not letting some stupid policy take away everything I've worked for! It's probably fine..>Man, I'm not gonna be considered for that promotion if I'm not vaccinated..I need the extra money, I'm tired of not living with money for fun stuff.Sloth:
>I don't want to look into all the specifics, I'm sure the doctors and scientists are right if they say it's safe..>I need this vacation, and if they require the shots for it then I guess it's no different than getting a passport...>Too much will change if I don't get vaccinated. My girlfriend is already upset at me..Wrath:
>Antivaxxers are allowing this virus to keep smoldering in their pockets of the country, START GETTING TOUGH WITH THEM>FIRE EVERYONE THAT DOESN'T WANT IT!>TAKE AWAY THEIR CHILDREN!