>>14459059Cock and Bawl towtuwe fwom Wikipewdia da fwee encycwopedia >w<!
Cowck and baww towchur is a sexwuaw O//W//O acchivty invowving appwicachion of pain oww constwwictwion to the mawe genitaws. Dis mway invowwve diwwectwy painfuw activichies OwO! , such az wax pway, genitaw spanking, sqweeizng, baww-buwsting, genitaw fwogging, urethwaw pway, tickle towchure, ewotic ewectwostimuwation or even k-kicking!!! uwu"" [1] The wecipiemt ow such achivichies mway weciewe diwect physicaw pweasuwe via nyasoquism, ow emochionaw pweasure thwough ewotic humiwiwation, ow knowdwedge dat da pway iz pweasing to a sawwistic dwominant ewe.
Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawt wisks, oh no!!! OAO