>>19357694The Bible doesn't say. It only has some cryptic verse about the nephilim and explained that they are the heros of old, such as Gilgamesh. The book of Enoch and Giants explains further.
For the most part, we see that the nephilim are killed. We have angels known as "the Watchers" who taught humans magic, metal working, and had sex with human women and made nephilim. This is a subset of demons who aren't aligned with Satan and his demons.
The angels of God, killed the women who slept with the angels, they also killed the nephilim, and made the Watchers watch them as they did it. And, the Watchers are sent to a special Hell where they're kept trapped in darkness and can't interact with anything. And the women who mothered the nephilim, died like normal human women. But the nephilim didn't get sent to Hell or heaven. They're forced to stay here on earth as spirits, who seem to be bitter towards humanity.
In the book of Enoch, we don't see the nephilim talk, and they appear to be merely monsters. On the other hand, in the book of Giants, we see the nephilim talk and seem capable of human thought, and we even see Gilgamesh as one of the nephilim named in the story. It seems that they're disturbed by dreams, most of the nephilim had absentee fathers but one nephilim's dad told him that his dreams are prophecy. But, that angel didn't exactly raise his son, he just happened to try to help him one time.
The nephilim approach Enoch and inquired about their dreams and discuss repentance, but the end of the book is missing, so we don't know if they repented or if God accepted their repentance.
It might be that God didn't accept their repentance, so that's why their spirits are hateful towards humans.
Satan and his angels, however, might be in Hell, but it's probably a part of heaven were God cut off his presence from. It's not the same Hell where the Watchers reside, but God might send them there eventually.